Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So it has been a while...

So for all of those ok for mostly just the 1 person who probably still reads my blog, while I am back and I promise to try better to keep this up to date from now on. Well, well what to write about since my last post. While since the last time I posted, which was December, a lot has happened in my life. Most notably being that well my brother finally got married this past month. Hahaha just kidding, although that did happen it was not the most notable thing that has in fact happened to me.

So here goes my life for the last 4 months in the next 1 or 2 paragraphs. Lets start back in 2007 right around the end of November my awesome girlfriend Crystal was looking at the possibility of switching jobs, she liked hers but just felt she might want something different. So I started looking for a job for her and came across a job with the African Childrens Choir in Langley BC. I suggested she apply for the job and low and behold she was offered the job, so now we had a decision to make. Does she take the job and move? Does she take the job and we both move? or Does she turn down a job with an organization she really wanted to work for? Well after a lot of discussion she decided to take the job and we both decided to move to BC. We both gave in our resignations at our respected jobs and decided to enjoy our last winter in Calgary. Well that plan had a small side trip in it, as in a trip to Morden Manitoba for Christmas (I thought Calgary was cold). Crystal's parents were the reason for the trip to Manitoba (we didn't go there just to say we were there). Christmas was good and we enjoyed our time there. After Christmas of course is New Years. This year we spent New Years at Jeff's house in Airdrie, it was a very good night spent with good friends and some people that I really don't like. But Crystal and I spent the night making fun of one of the other guests because she was something we just had to make fun of.

January came quickly and before I knew it January 18th was here (my last day of work). I have had a lot of jobs in my life but none of them were as hard to leave as the day I left BFC. Although it was a hard day I knew that the following Monday would be one that would change my life for the better. January 21st came and man was it cold, whose idea was it to move during the middle of January in Calgary? Crystal and I got up bright and early to get our Uhaul so we could start packing it up and make the big move, at first we thought it would be the 2 of us and Craig packing up the Uhaul, but to both of our surprises both my dad and my brother took the day off work just to help us move. So off we go. Wow what an experience, I knew driving a Uhaul would be different but driving a Uhaul through the mountains was an experience I only wish to have once in my lifetime. We made it to our new home the next day and started to move in. Craig was kind enough to follow us out to BC in my car. Abbotsford, being our new home, was now about to become home indeed. January was a very life changing month for not only myself but for Crystal and our relationship as well. Both of us had to go from living on our own to living with another person, not just another person but a person that you care a lot about. It was a big change to say the least.

February came and low and behold I hadn't had as an easy time finding a job that I thought I would. So to say February was a difficult month would be an understatement, but we pushed on and overcame all the barriers that were placed in our way. Crystal and I got used to the idea of living together and continued to check out our new home. Then February had a very good ending, I finally got a job. Abbotsford has a new hospital going in and I was lucky enough to get a job with a company called Sodexo. Sodexo is a facility management company that runs the Housekeeping and Food Services at the new hospital. The job I was offered would be kind of an HR role where I was responsible for recruiting and training all of our staff. It is an alright job and well pays the bills so that is the most important part.

March not much new happened. We became more comfortable in our new place and our new city. Crystal and I have had a lot of fun taking this journey together and I for one look forward to what else is coming for the both of us.

There is a lot of other things that have been happening like my brother getting married and us buying a dog, and my wonderful trip to Nebraska (where I am right now writing this), but I think I will save some of those other stories for later. So I say good bye to all and I am glad I am back in the world of blogging.

Chow for now,

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

This is the funniest thing I have seen in a while. Mr Rogers is the man.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Very Interesting how my last post said I posted it in August when in reality it was October. Weird.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The speedy version of my life since my last post.

Well if it hasn't been a long time since I have done this. Wow. The reason I have fallen off the wagon with the blogging thing is because my summer has been brutally busy. I don't remember a summer that has been this busy for me in a long time. First off Camp came and camp went. Being that this was going to be my last summer at Camp Bonaventure I tried to make it the best summer ever, however thats not how it played out. I ended up being stressed just about everyday and it wasn't as much fun as I have had in past summers. Anyway everything did eventually turn out good and summer ended on a very positive note.

Through out the summer I had many weekends where I was out playing baseball. My baseball team ended up finishing thirdish in our division, which wasn't bad for the season we had. September long weekend we went out to West Ward Ho for the final ball tournament of the season. This weekend is generally a lot of fun with none stop partying. Well this year was no exception, until the wardens came and threatened to kick us out. During the weekend here I participated in my very first home run derby, which if any of you know me and have played softball I am generally a small person compared to other players. Well I ended up hitting 2 home runs out of 5 hits, which was good enough for third, so I was happy. I even had all the other players from other teams cheering me on, it was fun.

September started my fourth job title of the year with Between Friends. I am now the Personnel Recruitment Coordinator, fancy title I know. My job now is basically how it sounds, I recruit staff and volunteers to help run our evening and weekend programs. It is a lot of fun because I actually get to go out to schools and promote our organization, which I think is a good fit with me as I like to talk and am generally good at talking about something I like and am passionate about.

San Fransisco Adventure:
So in September myself and four buddies decided to take a trip to San Fran for the weekend. So the five of us pile into a van and drive the 25 hours to San Fransisco. No i know what you are thinking, "Idiots, why would you drive that far?". Well I will tell you why, it all had to do with the photo spots. These wonderful little spots were all over Pier 39, and I think Jeff and I got our picture taken with each one.

Not only did we go for the photo spots but we actually drove down there to watch some sporting events. The Saturday we were there we watched the San Fransisco Giants take on the LA Dodgers. Very disappointed Barry Bonds didn't play the whole game, however we did get to see him strike out as he came and pitch hit in the seventh.

Sunday it was off to Oakland to watch the Raiders take on the Detroit Lions. Not much I can say about my first experience with an NFL game, but the atmosphere was amazing and damn Oakland has some big freaking Mexicans. We managed to make it out of there alive and went to celebrate my birthday back in San Fran.

Monday we visited Alcatraz and then went to the 49ers game against the Arizona Cardinals. The 49ers made an amazing come back to win this game and the place was electric. The five of us all came to the conclusion for this game that we wouldn't drink to much as we had to drive home the next day, well that didn't turn out so well and we were all hurt'in units on the drive home.

October has been pretty quiet for me. With the occasional picnic, with a girl I have grown rather fond of, to a couple flames games I have been to, October has been pretty quiet indeed. Well I cant wait to see what November and December bring me. Until next time, TTFN.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I think I know how I hurt my Foot

I am so embarrassed I didn't realize that somebody taped my soccer matches. But with some of those moves I can now see how I tore my tendon.